How much water does that dang tank hold after MT


Senior Member
Well it was time today to do the winterizing thing. I'll trust the MH to 25 or so with days in the 30's or 40's but when the highs are forcast for under freezing it's time. Drained the hotwater tank then on to the water tank, thought I had left it darn near MT "wrong" must have another 20 gallons in it after that. Then blew the lines out with 30# pressure, then upped it to 60# when there was just spray left. From one outlet to the other then back again a couple times. Then add the pink stuff to the traps and the MT gray and black tanks to protect the valves and a bit in the cloths washer so its good to go. Ran the gen for a bit over an hour while we were doing the winterizing. Checked out all systems and all was well, batteries up good from the solar and the heat pumps did well at about 40-42 degrees out. So we are ready for the holiday season, in the new house(first night there and we were without power) then Mexico after Xmas. Back hoe early Jan and off too Q for the show and a couple months in the south land.


Triple E

Senior Member
Re: How much water does that dang tank hold after MT

I sure would like to follow you to Mexico. We are looking at -3 here in just a couple of days. (you know, Rods kind of weather)

Stay warm and glad you have your motor home ready for the cold.