Rust and naval Jelly


Senior Member
Has anyone used naval jelly on rust on their RV? Prep? Where can you buy larger quantities than 8 oz from Lowe's, etc.? I have my work cut out for me working on rust from leaving trailer stored down here by the beach in Florida, but need to work on it. i never used the jelly before so if someone has, perhaps you can give some hints/suggestions. i am primarily concerned with the two main frames, axles and tongue areas. The other areas, steps, lp tank bracket, lp pipe, etc., I can replace. Rear bumper is history so would need to be replaced/welded. Guess I should not have left it near the beach. only 5 years old......


Senior Member
WOW ARCHER all that in a year? I wished I knew something about naval jelly , but don't. sorry. I guess you ahve learned your lesson about leaving it there. I am sure someone will come to your rescue,, good luck


Senior Member
Be careful not to get any of that jelly into your naval! :eek:

What are you removing the rust from, the undercarriage?