tension on my slide topper...


New Member
Help...seems the constant Gulf winds have loosened my slide topper. How can I increase the tension again to tighten the cover?? The flapping reminds me of being in a tent....Thanks


Senior Member
Re: tension on my slide topper...

I don't have direct experience with this, but I understand that some people place an inflatable ball between the slide and the slide topper to increase the tension and improve runoff.

Grandview Trailer Sa

Senior Member
Re: tension on my slide topper...

IF you are mechanically inclined, the spring can be tightened. You have to drill out the pop rivets that hold the end caps on. Be careful, there is spring tension!!! The springs is these things are small and you might get ONE turn to tighten it up. That will do a LOT. You will really have to be holding it when you release the last rivet. I cannot impress that strong enough. My finger nailis still healing from the last awning spring that got away from me.

Becky is right, a basketball in the center might be a much easier fix!!