Time of year

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Time of year

Sure looks like it Jim by the post of late :laugh: . Guess as long as they are just sitting nothing goes wrong or we don't know. Well there are some with batt problems but he didn't trust us to tell hin what was wrong :eek: ;) so he sent it to a shop that can't find the battery :laugh: Notice I am nice and not telling who :laugh:


Senior Member
Re: Time of year

ok I READ BETWEEN THE LINES and yes I trust all of you who offer help, it was I who I didn't trust to do the work. I just don't like electrical things ie 12 v or 120v


Re: Time of year

SHOCKING :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
sorry could not resist :approve: :approve: :approve: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Time of year

Now there you go Hollis :laugh: why did you think I was talking about you :laugh: :laugh:


Senior Member
Re: Time of year

Nash I know it was shocking to you, but no one elseon the forim is having batteries problems like I have been having.

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: Time of year

Gee maybe if I had engine batteries in my 5er I'd be having SHOCKING problems too. :laugh: :bleh: :approve:

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Time of year

Yep, you would DL because while walking back to get in your fiver you would get very wet and we know water and electricity dont mix :eek: :laugh: :laugh: ;) :evil:


Senior Member
Re: Time of year

Hey Nash he may catch hail also :laugh: :laugh: Just think he would shock and catch hail doing it :laugh: :laugh: . Just kidding Dl I hope one gets shock or have the battery trouble I am having

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Time of year

not to mention that he might get mugged while having to go from the truck to the fiver in a wal mart parking lot where he pulled in just to catch a few or even worse get that Dogde stolen and driven off with the fiver still hooked up and him in it. Ah shoot he would be happy then cause he would be smelling them cummins fumes :eek: :laugh: ;) :evil:


New Member
RE: Time of year

Who in their right MIND, goes to Texas in August.

:laugh: :eek:

Who in their right Mind seriously considers moving to Texas in August.

:cool: :approve:

Who else is not in their RIGHT Mind?


Been trying to get to Texas since 1836, when Travis put out the call!


Really wanted to be one of the original 300, but was toooooooo young at the time.


Where would you rather be in January & February??

:question: Minnesota OR TEXAS,,,,,,Been there, done that!

Everyone in favor of TEXAS, raise your hand!!!!!!!!!!! :approve: :laugh: :) :approve: ,Well I couldn't find a hand.

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: Time of year

Hey Shunpiker, thanks for getting them there ol meanies off their naughty posts about me and my wonderful Dodge that has great smelling diesel smoke. :bleh:


Senior Member
Re: Time of year

Old come on DL , Nash wasn't being mean, just truthful :laugh: you know how we love to teas you about your Dodge and the black smoke that comes from it. When I see that smoke it remind me of the old freight trains passing thru leaving a trail of black smoke :laugh: :laugh: .


Senior Member
Re: Time of year

Personally I prefer anywhere but texas any time of year. LOL oh am I in trouble now. Gonna spend my winter this year in Arizona and last year we spent it in Louisiana.


Re: Time of year

O.K. You done done it! A bad day in Texas is better than almost any day in most parts of Louisana. :angry: :laugh: Of course I'm just kidding. I love the casinos. :) :cool: :laugh:


New Member
Re: Time of year

Hey DL, anything for a fellow Marine.

I'm really resisting any comment about a dodgey, that's dodgey, not to be confused with dawgy, as in get a long little ---------. Nuthn's little in Texas, ceptn' me. My Butt was built so close to the ground I get cactus rash.

Utmman, Sure is a long ways around to get to that ocean front property in Arizona without going through TEXAS!

Texans as well as us wannabes, have long memories. In case you have forgotten, does Remember the Alamo, ring any bells! Remember Goliad.

EVERYTHING in TEXAS is bigger, including memories!!!!!, Size does matter.

Happy Travels, ya'll.

Now back to that dodge. My only memory of a dodge was when a fellow Marine Recruiter bought a new 1978 dodgey pickup, (non-diesel), and on the way home, the transmission literally fell out, and onto the street.

He didn't drive that dodgey home that day.

Sorry DL.

However, there are two things my grandaddy wouldn't let on his farm. A horse, because he grew up plow'n behind em. And the other was a FORD. He hated horses and fords. Don't know why the ford, don't think he plowed, behind one.

DL, may your highs always come from your dodge diesel fumes.

;) ;) ;) :approve: :laugh: