I know it's been awhile since I posted but it has been a crazy year. Starting actually on New Year's eve when my Mom went to the hospital and then we lost her in January but that is another story that I still have a hard time writing about. But every month we have had very unfortunate events happening and just when I think things are looking up, here comes another. Again I won't go into details. The most recent of these unfortunate events was on Mother's Day Weekend. We were camping at Brackenridge Park at Lake Texana. We had a great time Friday night and Saturday was a beautiful day. We celebrated our Mother's day on Saturday with our friends that were camping with us. I wasn't celebrating too much though because I celebrated a little too much on Friday. (emoticons don't work for some reason). Anyway, I had gone to the MH to lay down for awhile and my husband and our friends were all outside partying and having a good time. My daughter was walking up and down the park area with her friends and her boyfriend when she got bit by a Copperhead. Luckily her boyfriend is an Eagle Scout and knew to look for the snake and what to do immediately. My husband came into the MH very calmly and said "Our daughter just got bit by a snake." I was freaking out because I have never known anyone who has been bitten by a snake and my first thought is "Oh (fill in the blank)!" Luckily the snake did not release very much venom so she is just very bruised and sore. But it could have been much worse. So I am saying to everyone, "Be Careful", be aware of your surroundings. We have been going to that campground for 20 years and I have never even heard of anyone getting bitten. I know that this is Texas and we have plenty of snakes but I think the drought and everything is the reason that snake was in the place it was at. I am sure that the snake was just in self defense mode.