We have a Trek with a 454 fuel injected engine that quits after being hot under load. It has an in tank fuel pump whitch we think is too weak to overcome a vapor lock. Has anybody cured the problem with an inline pump? If so, what pump did you use?
Several had a similar problem and it was due to a couple things, fel filter and the location of the fuel lines next to a heat source such as manifolds and exhaust pipes.
If you have an in-tank fuel pump you need to replace it. If you add another pump in series with it, when the one in the tank quits completely your new pump won't help.
As Chelse stated and I forgot, there is a connection just before the injector assembly for attaching a pressure gauge :blush: . A lot of auto supply houses will check it for you :laugh: . Again sounds like vapor lock but I am just an ole man.