Class A roofs
It is hardly just the entry level motorhomes that offer an EDPM or rubber roofing. Some others that do, the Cruise Master, Dutch Star, Tropical, Discovery, and many, many others.
The EDPM is the least suseptable to hail damage of the roof materials and it comes with a 12 year guarnatee, if not damaged. Many rubber roofs last far longer than that 12 years and few get damaged in that time, if properly cared for. They are more suseptable to damage from tree limbs, but small green limbs will not harm them. They are by far the most repariable type of roof. There is now a new material that has all of the advantages of EDPM and few of the disadvantages. It is called Brite Tec and comes from the same company, Dicor. It does not chalk like EDPM and is less succeptable to damage from trees, while still light weight and survives hail.