Dewinterizing the House


Senior Member
A little early on this question, but want to plan some before I head home early April.
I had shut up the house, turned the water off (water company shut it off at street), left the furnace on low temp, left the softner on (it won't cycle unless water is used, automatic). I had done the same previous two years, but not the water shut off at the street. Is there anything special I need to do when the water is turned back on at the street? I also had turned off the valve inside the house and left a couple facets open (kitchen and bathroom) so that when they turn on the water from outside, I don't have water running out the facets in the bathroom and kitchen. I do know or will, flush the system good before using the water inside and probably throw away the first couple batches of ice cubes and of course, sanitize the toilet, etc.
I'll call my water company and tell them to turn on the water the day before I get home, so all I have to do is turn on the factet at the meter inside (after shutting off the facets in kitchen and bathroom). I guess I'm concerned about the quality of water inside the pipes inside the house, and the ice cube maker, water softner, etc.
Any ideas from you experts on restarting the home base when you get home in the spring from enjoying the sunny South all winter ( :cool: )?

C Nash

Senior Member
Dewinterizing the House

Archer, we know you are just rubbing the sunshine on us that had to stay home :clown: :clown: . I would think that flushing the system will be all thats needed as the local water probably has all the chemical to kill anything in the pipes(and us to if truth was known :eek: ). Think I would wait until I was home to have the water turned on. Never can tell what might be happend to the pipes while you were soaking up all that sunshine :angry: :angry: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :evil:


Dewinterizing the House


Nash is correct in what he is saying. I have seen cases where houses down here in the south had the water shut off and the lines drained and when the water was cut back on merry christmas there a leak. Most have been in the hot water tanks although several were due to just plain old age.

WAIT til you get home, suntan and all before the water is turned on, that way if you do have a leak you can react instead of walking into a home full of water.


New Member
Dewinterizing the House

Sometimes a little oxidation gets in the pipes when they sit empty. That's one of the things you are flushing out. Sometimes some of that gets caught in those hose inlet filters on your washing machine. So if it doesn't seem like the machine fills as fast as it should you might have to clean those. Same with aerators on your faucets and shower heads.

Ed H.

New Member
Dewinterizing the House

Hey Archer, what do you have for plumbing? If it's copper, slowly applying pressure and checking for leaks should be about it. (An easy way to check if you have any leaks is to make sure all faucets ae off and toilets have filled then watch the water meter. If it moves, there has to be water going somewhere.)
If you have oldfashioned galvinized steel pipes, you could have problems with rust and scale flaking off and blocking things up. The best thing to do is just crack the valve and let it all pressurize slowly. If the water rushes in, anything laying in the pipes can be stirred up and cause trouble.
As Krazeehorse said, check your aerators and washer hose screens. Flush the lines to your ice maker and dish washer into a bucket before letting water into those appliances. It's a lot easier than cleaning out the solenoid valves.
Also make sure the water heater is completely full before turning it on. Electric heating elements selfdestruct in less than a minute, gas heaters can warp or even melt the bottom of the tank in just a few minutes if they are turned on dry.
As the others have said, flush it all out really well and enjoy.