Several people have tried and/or done this before. There are other posts you can research. Some folks had trouble because of the difference between house wiring and RV wiring. I'm happy with my old thermostat, but then, I'm old too. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Jim. I'm with you Some of this new "improved" stuff is worse than the old. TV signal and picture is supposed to be better. Why does mine now go in and out? Why doesthe sound go up and down? Why do I have a 27 inch screen and have to watch in a 15 inch format or narrow and all the way across the screen. Oh well guess that's the downside of gettig old. The upside is I'm still here to complain :laugh:
Nash - Don't even get me started about the TV. Had to upgrade the one in the MH to digital, of course. Then had to upgrade the antenna. And it still has trouble scanning and finding a signal. Point the antenna where you hope the station is and scan. Nothing? Try pointing again and rescanning. Nothing still? Hook up the DVR and watch a movie :angry: :angry: :angry:
Jim, think we should just go back to Alaska and live. Loved the laid back way most had there. Thought I had stepped back into the fiftys. Course we were in the bonnies most the time.