Family friendly campgrounds in Wisconsin, Upper Michigan and Lower Michigan?


New Member
We are taking our first RV camping trip (ok, first camping trip, period) in August, leaving from Chicago and doing a round-trip circuit through Wisconsin (2 days), Upper Michigan (2 or 3 days), and lower Michigan 2 or 3 days; 7 days in all).

We would like to see some of Door County, perhaps take in some of the Lake Superior area, then head down through lower MI, along the Lake Michigan coast.

We have no agenda, but also no idea where to camp. Burt Lake has been suggested, but we don't really even know where to start when it comes to finding a family friendly campground (meaning, low on the late night party factor).

Can anyone make some campground suggestions? Our most important criteria is that it's easy for rank beginners to navigate into and out of the site without knocking anything over.