Florida RV Supershow


Senior Member
I'd like to go but I'd feel like a kid in a candy store with my nose pressed up against the glass. I'd probably be drooling, too. Guess I'll just have to be happy with what I've got. Have a good time Ken.:):)


Senior Member
Well Jimmy I am the kid in the candy store. However most kids I know are broke, so like you this kid is drooling all over the new MH. BTW our RV show in Atlanta is Jan 21, so on that day I will be there drooling and drooling. NOT BUYING, or TRADING, we will keep what we have since we have had the floors replaced with new carpet and vinyl. May get it painted in a few years, but that a maybe.


Senior Member

I'm their now and will be leaving Saturday morning heading back to SW Miami until May.



Senior Member
Steven I can't answer that question. I get mine threu the VA, since I am 50% disable I qualifiy for free meds.


Senior Member

I'm retired Navy (32 years) and utilize TMOP (mail order pharmacy) and have no issues. You could use CVS or any of the pharmacy chains that are in Network and pay the copay.
