

New Member
Hi I just bought a 2004 BT Cruiser Gulfstream, 21' small motorhome, my problem, is that it has sat outside all of its life, and the vinyl graphics are really dried out and faded, but they are not coming loose or rolling at the edges, so I am wondering is there a good place to have new vinyl graphics reproduce, the fiberglass on the side of the motorhome is great, but it sure looks old with having these decals look so bad. thanks. Jim.. :( :(


New Member
Re: Graphics

Once, I saw where a lady will paint graphics for $200 per lineal foot. If you have an interest let me know and I will back track and find her name.


New Member
RE: Graphics

You might try contacting Gulfstream to ask about replacing the graphics for your unit. They may have a set
lying around that they would sell to you. It is sometimes quite a chore to remove the old graphics so another possibility might be to find a local body or RV shop that does repairs. They could remove, recondition and then apply new a new graphics package to your coach. It would probably be a different pattern, but I am sure it would look nice and you would have some input on the design. One more thing, they might be able to recondition the graphics with a product.