

New Member
We just bought a 1986 lasalle motorhome 24’ by Champion cant find any type information on this have never owned any type of motor home so we know nothing on how anything works!! Any suggestion deeply appreciated

C Nash

Senior Member
Debbie, most all campers work pretty much the same as far as appliances. Most campers in campground will show you anything you want to know. Any thing in peticular you got question on , just ask here


New Member
Thank you so much didnt expect someone to get back to me so quickly. Unfortunately we jumped into this quickly and didnt think to ask direct questions assumed all work. Then found out the horn windshield wipers and generator dont work the cabin air does but not up where driver is. Have totake our time to find out how to ck and fix dont know about frig or stove either. Can you tell me if you are on the road does air run like a cars does or do you have to have the generator on to keep-it cooling? The frig?? Thank you so much

C Nash

Senior Member
The fridge should work on propane while not hooked to shore power. Some are 3 way and will run off battery power 12 volt also. Would guess yours most likely propane and 120 volt. The engine ac or dash will work while driving down road but has hard time cooling because you have large area. If you have generator you can run roof air off it. If air is not flowing out of vents either fan is not working or you have a vacuum or control problem. May also be out of freon. Hard to say not having the unit to check. Good luck. Take one thing at a time and you will figure it out. Dont be afraid to ask campers at camp grounds. With this virus is a bad time for other campers to help


New Member
The fridge should work on propane while not hooked to shore power. Some are 3 way and will run off battery power 12 volt also. Would guess yours most likely propane and 120 volt. The engine ac or dash will work while driving down road but has hard time cooling because you have large area. If you have generator you can run roof air off it. If air is not flowing out of vents either fan is not working or you have a vacuum or control problem. May also be out of freon. Hard to say not having the unit to check. Good luck. Take one thing at a time and you will figure it out. Dont be afraid to ask campers at camp grounds. With this virus is a bad time for other campers to help


New Member
Thank you C Nash you have been very kind to help me in this new venture. We will tackle 1 thing at a time. The generator is baffeling as I have read you shouldn't use them if your sleeping etc heard 1 horror story how a couple were burnt to death. Can you use while driving down the road .?

C Nash

Senior Member
If it is installed proper, exhaust good shape there should be no problem using while driving. I would suggest having a trained person check it all out. Money well spent. When in doubt dont do it. Always plan ahead in emergency situations. Be sure you know how the escape window works. All rules apply same as home. Be prepared. Be sure carbon detector works. If over 5 yr old replace same with smoke detector. We have camped in most ever type camper for 60+ years so just study do your homework and enjoy. There are horror stories in all walks of life listen to them and learn😊