Hey fulltimers!!


Just a quick question for ya. We aren't goin full time but this came up and thought I would ask. What's up with taxes? If you would rather respond off list that's fine. The quesion is.......if your full time and don't have a permenant residence what taxes do you have and how do you pay em? Were do ya get a drivers licence? How do you get your checks? I met a couple years ago that were full timein and thought it was a pretty cool way to spend at least part of your retirement. They knew all the places to go and how to stretch a buck. Never asked em how all that stuff worked but we were just talkin about it and couldn't come up with an answer. I guess if ya have direct depost in a national bank you can get your checks and pay bills but how about state income tax and such?

Thanks for the help

C Nash

Senior Member
Hey fulltimers!!

Hay Thumbs, here you go again asking all those questions and giving me something else to worry about! I was hoping I could run away from all those taxes.

Chelse L. Nash

Edited by - c nash on Apr 08 2002 11:09:25 PM


Senior Member
Hey fulltimers!!

Since no-one has answered, I will.

Fulltimers all have a state of residence. The way it is maintained varies, depending upon the requirements of the state of residence. Most of us sooner or later change to one of the states that have no state income tax. The most common way to maintain a residence is to use a mail forwarding service as an address. And the largest of those is Escapees RV Club. (What we use.) Then you have to check to see what the state that you have chosen requires you to do, and do it. To be legal, you then purchase you insurance for the vehicles, register them and register to vote at the location of your new address (ie the mail forwarding service address) Most have the mail forwarded to where they are once each week. If you are traveling, just have the mail forwarded to a town that you will pass through in a few days, and sent to "General Delivery."

There are other issues. If you are interested, feel free to visit my website and check out the "How we do it" page as it tells the answers to most of that. And you can drop me an e-mail at any time and I will be happy to answer for what I have found in the two years that we have been on the road.

Good travelin! ......Kirk


Hey fulltimers!!

Thanks Kirk

Like I said it was more a point of interest than anything else. I knew there had to be a was of sorting all this stuff out and figured somethin like what you were talkin about. Is there a time of residence required for the state you choose to use? For example do you have to live in the state a number of days per year?

Thanks again. Just another interesting piece of info.



Souderton, Pa


New Member
Hey fulltimers!!


Many people are using S. Dakota. No state income tax. I am an Escapee and will continue to be one but when I go fulltime (379 days) I am seriously considering that state.

John & Barbara