information requested


New Member
In the main forum there is the topic class B motorhomes. I would like to add the topic "Class A motorhomes" to this same forum. How can I do this? Connie {?}

Edited by - connie on Feb 03 2002 8:40:10 PM

C Nash

Senior Member
information requested

Hi Connie,
Go to the forum where you would like to post your question/comment and open. There is a box at the top where you can start a new topic. :)

Chelse L. Nash

Old Forum Post

Senior Member
information requested


In the main forum, users cannot add additional forums. As Chelse has metioned, you must go into one of those forums to add a topic.

As more intererst and usage of this forum develops we will look into expanding the main forum topics.

Happy posting!

Lee Simpson


New Member
RE: information requested

I can't find a forum that I found this morning... it was intitled "OXYGEN HOLDING TANK"
I was searching info on Oxy-kem and I found the forum mention above but I had to regester to post anything and when I tryed to go back to the forum I could not find it...

The whole reason is: I need to find out if anyone one else had any problems with useing oxy-kem?
reason: I tryed this product and well...our holding tank on our 5th wheel camper exploded, after the first use of this chemical (we used the drop-in packets)

I tryed it because there was no bad reviews on this product... there was not alot of reviews either, cause it is fairly new, from what I gathered...

please email me if you have any additional info. on this product...

Thank you,


Senior Member
Re: information requested

Veronica what forum was u on? I did a search this morning and found OXY KEM. However I did not find a link to a forum. I did do a search on this forum with no luck. :(


Senior Member
Re: information requested

Veronica, you are confusing "forum" with "post".

Forums here are fixed and you can't change the name of them.

If you post something or reply to a post, you are already within a forum.

As an example, these comments above are all in the forum called "Suggestions/Comments".


New Member
Re: information requested

yes I've emailed the company.. and have had no replys as of yet...

It turns out to replace the tank will cost well over $1,000. thats with a tank($600+)and instalation (they said I had to bring it in) so we decided to just bypass the whole tank ... we used pvc for a direct line (No holding tank) So now we don't need any chemicals at all, we do still have the grey tank, the only tank I did not use the chemical in...but we leave this open for a constant flow...

I was in the middle of cooking when the tank exploded, I though a truck had hit our first, until I went outside...the smell was unmistakable!!!
I just don't want anyone else to have to go thought this, I wouldn't wish this mess on anyone...

Thanks for alowing me to post this here, I truly wanted to post it on the same page That I found but like I said i couldn't find it again until today... however there are no place to post a reply on the page...IDK
Thanks again,