Re: Installing Laminate Flooring
using 1/4 round is the way to go (as trim) go to lows or home depot and inquire about under lay. they have stuff out now with a R rating, thats what i'm going to be using in our MH. Keep you cool and worm. Were in the middle of ripping the old carpet and dinnette out. Plus since we only need 120 sq/ft most the used building supply places should be able to help you out. its scratch and dent or left overs from other jobs...for half the price. remember if your paying more then a buck a sq/ft your paying to much. I'm not sure about nailing the first pice(or glue)...i'd recomend just nailing the 1/4 round down. To keep a true floating floor, plus it'll be easyer to replace in years to come, with no damage to the sub floor.....PL or other construction glues can a serious head works too well