
C Nash

Senior Member
Thanks Butch,
I'll try to get back on the right thread now that this retirement is working off!! Went to the web site and it was very interesting to say the least. I had heard of some problem with the steering on the ford chassis so a red flag did go up to me on the 99 National and intruder with less than 5000 miles on each but, tires and alignment looked good. Dealer on the Intruder said the previous owner just never got to use, sat in a barn,. Recond that's the same barn that all them 57 new chevs are in!! I will drive both units before (if) I buy and heed your advice. Not to much trouble to find pot holes to hit here in Alabama.

Chelse L. Nash


New Member

Hey Chelse,

We were really put out with the '99 chassis we had. We had a box that we truly feel was the best we have ever had. Wife and I both liked it and had intended to keep it till the wheels fell off. (Pun intended) There was simply too much wrong with it, and about 15,000 miles & 5 months Ford divorced themselves from it stateing we were beyond warranty for that "stuff". A good friend with a 2000 coach just found out about the thimbles one needs to align the wheels to the hubs. Had to install a spare, not knowing that he couldn't just remove one and install the other, doesn't work that way. Anyway, almost $700.00 later he learned there is no dealer close to him with the proper alignment thimbles nor is there the proper "specific" Hunter wheel balancer. We had intended to initiate the Lemon Law thing with ours and after finding out how lengthy that would be we opted to unload it. So after 7 months and 17,000 miles of fighting the F-53 chassis, we became Diesel owners. Had the 8.1 Vortec been available with the Allison xmsn, on the Workhorse W22, we most likely would have gone that way. Happy Motoring, Butch @ Nancy Lake, Alaska