New Member
My 2010 Coachman class-C has kwickee steps that will not come out today. I have power to the orange light mounted under the steps, which goes off and on with the door-mounted reed-switch, so that seems to be working, but the motor never makes a sound. I lubed it and shook it, but no change. There is a purple wire hanging loose, but I don't see where it came from. [see picture below] My guess is the wire is the problem, but I can't find a wiring diagram to tell where it is supposed to go. This may not be right, as the wire is not hot. There is a four-pin square connector that was loose, and when I tightened it, the light came on, but it didn't fix the motor. It has three hot pins, and one that doesn't set off the test light. I have also flipped the switch that locks the steps out, with no chamge.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?