Loss of Power to some Outlets and Main A/C


Senior Member
HELP Well, this morning I lost some power in my 5th wheel. Lost power to the following: main roof A/C, Microwave oven, washer/dryer combo outlet, outlet my bed beside washer/dryer, electric fireplace, outlet for TV and outlet by stove. The following still works: 2nd A/C in bedroom, TV outlet in bedroom, extra outlet by bed, all GFCI outlets (GFCI DID NOT TRIP), Fridge works (house size). Outside outlets works. Wife heard a humming noise last evening coming from maybe behind LR TV area where TV, FIREPLACE is located (I can't hear it due to deafness) Everything worked good all evening and early this AM. So, I am at a loss. I would not think that if an outlet went bad that it would affect the main A/C unit. I realize power runs thru many things and when one thing fails, it can affect other things. Any IDEAS? I have called repair shop, but no response yet.

Cindy Hendricks

Staff member
Hello Archer. Did you get this figured out? I'm curious as to what could cause something like this to happen in your RV.


Senior Member
Well, I am a little bit red faced to admit the following. After losing power on a string of stuff in the 5th wheel and not even thinking how to determine what the problem was and asking my RV repair guy to stop and take a look, the problem was solved. First thing he did was unplug power line from the 50amp surge protector and the surge protector from the park pole. Checked the power at power at the pole and it was fine. I had a new 50amp surge protector that i had been holding on to in case the old one failed. SOOOOO, we plugged in the NEW surge protector and guess what? PROBLEM SOLVED. It was the old surge protector that had failed. I was getting power but not enough so one string in the power system stopped working. STUPID ME??? Not being am electrician, I was afraid to turn off the power and lose those things that were working. I should have just installed the new one. It would have stopped a lot of grief and worry. ANOTHER LESSON LEARNED FOR THE OLD GOAT!!

C Nash

Senior Member
Sorry I didnt see your post till today. Always start at supply source and work back. I just hsve this small notebook thi g now and hard to read anything on it. Surely age has nothi g to do with it. Looking at 81 in just few days. Where did the years go


Senior Member
Well, I had thought I had it fixed by just installing the new surge protector. WRONG. It did it again about three days later. Had RV park owner come over and check the power from the post thru the surge protector, thru the electrical cable. Power at post good. Power coming out of surge protector good. Power coming out end of power cord good. What we found was small brown spot beside one of the prongs on trailer plug in and a small spot on female end of power cord. Cleaned the prong, and spray both the prongs and the end of electrical line to trailer with electrical contact spray. Plugged it back in and everything has been just fine since then. May have been cable was loose, dirty contact or perhaps small water leak that caused the entire issue. I did contact the Progressive Industries folks who make the surge protector and they told me if surge protector detects a problem, it will SHUT DOWN ALL POWER GOING TO THE TRAILER, not just part of it. Have kept an eye on the main electrical cable feeling it to make ure it is not heating up at plug in site. Chelse, Happy Birthday late from me. I think Linda sent you a HAPPY DAY.

C Nash

Senior Member
Linda did and glad you got power going. Loose connections can be little gremlins for sure