Is anyone else having problems with the ABS bumpers, fenders and cargo doors cracking? We bought a new 2001 SeaView. We had several cracks during warranty period; all the doors were replaced by National last summer due to cracks; but we had to pay to have them painted and installed to the tune of $3200. Just 5 months later 2 of those doors cracked; again the company shipped new; then after spending another $200 for paint and repairs, within 1 week one of those doors cracked. Now National refuses to ship new doors. Problem is the doors cannot be repaired as they are molded with airspace between and the outside is where the cracks occur. We think this is a defective product and is not climate controlled for our fluctuating weather. But my question is, aren't RV's supposed to be made to hold up out of doors? Does anyone know who to contact short of hiring an attorney to sue National RV. :dead: