Hi, I'm new to RVing and have a couple questions on freeze protection on my 5th wheel. I plan on moving my 5th wheel onto my un-improved property that has no facilities at present. I will be staying in it off and on. I am wondering if I keep the thermostat heat on (propane)to keep it semi warm inside along with my water heater running...will it keep the pipes from freezing? The temps have not been too cold in southern New Mexico but it does get in the low teens before sunrise. Is there anything else I should do? I do know that I will have to run a generator (external) occationally to keep my batteries up. Any helpful info would be appreciated. Thank you.
Thought I'd add some additional info...my fresh water tank is inside, both black and grey water are outside under the trailer. Thought it might also help by adding some RV antifreeze in the black and grey water tanks to help.
Thought I'd add some additional info...my fresh water tank is inside, both black and grey water are outside under the trailer. Thought it might also help by adding some RV antifreeze in the black and grey water tanks to help.