

New Member
Does anyone know how to disable the odometer on a 2001 chevy trailblazer. if i pull the fuse the lights shut off, but the miles still come on. thanks


Senior Member

First of all, it's against the law, if I'm not mistaken. Secondly, why would you ask for help in breaking the law?
Your post is a little suspect??? :evil:


New Member

Why on earth would you want to do something as illegal as this and then ask for directions on a public RV forum?? :question: :question:


New Member

Well, actually, it it's against the law. Then the manufacturer of my last two toads are in trouble. There are Several vehicles which do not show mileage while being towed. Some others tell you which fuse to pull to prevent this accumulation. Still others keep right on turning up the clock no matter what.

C Nash

Senior Member

Miles do not register on our 2002 chevrolet tracker :)
Billy, which fuse are you pulling? check in the manual and it might tell which fuse is for the odometer. Might be marked ign. The dealer should be able to tell you and I have never heard off it being against the law :blackeye: (while towing)

Archer and Medic1 are absolutely correct. Anyone caught tampering with an odometer is subject to criminal prosecution. Many states require a sworn affidavit that confirms the number of actual miles on a vehicle and the accuracy of the odometer.

The civil penalties for falsifying that information far outweigh the criminal penalties. Should the next owner of that 2002 Chevrolet Tracker have any problems with that vehicle, especially if an accident is involved, the previous owner had better hope his umbrella policy is in effect. Even a poor attorney will have a field day!

All the best,

Big Wally

For those "Doubting Thomases" out there, here is the exact verbiage of the Motor Vehicle Cost Information Act, 49 USC Section 32704, the FEDERAL ODOMETER LAW:

1. (It shall be unlawful for a person) "with intent to defraud, operate a motor vehicle on a street, road, or highway if the person knows that the odometer of the vehicle is disconnected or not operating; or

2. The owner of the vehicle or agent of the owner shall attach a written notice to the left door frame of the vehicle specifying the mileage before the service, repair, or replacement and the date of the service, repair, or replacement.

3. A person transferring ownership of a motor vehicle shall give the transferree the following written disclosure

A) Disclosure of the cumulative mileage registered on the odometer,

B) Disclosure that the actual mileage is unknown if the transferror knows that the odometer reading is different from different from the number of miles the vehicle has actually traveled.

(b) Mileage Statement Requirement for Licensing. - (1) A motor vehicle the ownership of which is transferred may not be licensed for use in a State unless the transferee, in submitting an application to a State for the title on which the license will be issued, includes with the application the transferor's title and, if that title contains the space referred to in paragraph (3)(A)(iii) of this subsection, a statement, signed and dated by the transferor, of the mileage disclosure required under subsection (a) of this section.

It's not nice to fool with Uncle Sam...

All the best,

Big Wally

C Nash

Senior Member

I would never tamper with the odometer on my tracker. It states in the owners manuel that no milage will record while being used as a toad. If I ever get rid of it I would tell anyone that it had been used as a toad and give the guess as to how many towed miles were involved. Think most of us are honest or try to be. It would state on title that odometer was not correct. Would be glad to turn it over to a lawer and let him fight GM. If there is any tampering it should fall on them for making it that way and GM recommends their use as a toad.. Is worth checking into about the law since some of us have the vehicles that do not registar. Could understand if you have to remove a fuse or alter something but, remember when we bought smitties and put them on our cars and got tickets. :)


New Member

Big Wally,

I do believe you are the one appempting to fool Uncle Sam... Go back and read item #1 in your post. A "TOWED" vehicle is not being "OPERATED". In most cases, the ignition key is in the off or accessory position. The subject vehicle IS BEING TOWED - NOT OPERATED. I think you should take this up with GM and other OEM's.

I'm sorry Butch, but federal law allows no loophole for towed vs. driven. Paragraph 3B is not subject to interpretation. "B) Disclosure that the actual mileage is unknown if the transferror knows that the odometer reading is different from different from the number of miles the vehicle has actually traveled." The criteria is "miles the vehicle has actually traveled."

It's very curious to observe how freely people can "lay the blame" on someone or something else. Sure, I'll just hire a lawyer and go fight GM! After all, they're the ones who made it possible for me to violate federal law. While you're at it, why not hire a lawyer to fight Glock and all the other firearms manufacturers who make it possible for people to commit armed robberies through their manufacture of guns.

All the best,

Big Wally

C Nash

Senior Member

B) Disclosure that the actual mileage is unknown if the transferror knows that the odometer reading is different from the number of miles the vehicle has actually traveled.
Hi Big Wally,
This should take care of any future problems on any vehicle that does not register miles while bring towed :) if it is against the law to do so. Not tampering with odometer and would have to modify to get tracker to record miles. Guess I could leave the key in on position an run a risk of feed back and ruining the toads computer :( Not shifting blame just following GM directions for towed vehicle.
Only way I would hire a lawyer for guns would be to fight those that are trying to take our gun privilages away. A gun has never comitted a crime.

Billybob, guess we are really helping you in your decision. Don't worry about all this. Find a way to keep the odometer from registering miles but, be sure and tell when selling or trading that it was towed and miles did not register. Most people will not care about the miles it was towed but, it will decrease the value some. Keep the questions coming, most on here will help in any way they can with different opinions. Call GM and they will be glad to tell you if there is a provision for disabling the odometer.

Big Wally, what kind of rv do you have and don't forget to turn all those gas profit tickets in to the IRS :laugh:


New Member

Easy answer is to sell this vehicle and buy something that will not rack up mileage while being towed such as a Jeep. I have a Wrangler that once the 4 wheel is in N position, you can tow it to the moon and no tow miles will be logged.


New Member

Dang Chelese I gotta disagree with you on this one! :eek:

Your correct when you said guns don't commit crimes. Using that analogy you could say atomic bombs don't kill people, just the idiots using them. I agree to a persons rights of choice, movement, etc. But, his right of movement stops a few feet from my nose! I have the right not to be shot by some idiot who happens to have a pistol! (unless I'm infringing on his rights, which I don't plan to do). Shotguns and rifles have a legitimate purpose, revolvers are designed to shoot people.

I saw a statistic once that said Americans have something like a hundred times more hand gun deaths than the rest of the world. I think sound minded and reasonable individuals (like you) should owe up to the fact America is longer the western frontier and their really is no reason for the profliteriation of hand guns for protection; except from the other guy who has one. And where does that lead? :(

C Nash

Senior Member

Morning Tom,
No problem with you disagreeing with me and you have a valid point but, I can't help remembering all the boys that died using guns to give us the freedom to disagree. Some of those countries that ban guns have no freedom but, some do. I look at the atomic bomb, which is terrible, as saving a lot of lives by ending a war. Ban the guns and you will have a huge black market for those that want to commit crimes. I doubt that we would be a free country if not for all our weapons and it is a shame. Will kind of agree with you on the pistol. I was taught at an early age to respect guns and I see that a lot of that has been lost even in my grand kids. Wish there was an answer to getting rid of every weapon and all living in peace but, we have fought since the beginning of time and will untill the end ,I suppose. I respect your opinion even though we disagree somewhat

C Nash

Senior Member

janicenlarry, that is what the discussion is about. Some seem to think it is illegal to tow vehicles that do not register miles. Is kind of interesting since I never really thought about it but, do know you cannot tamper with the odometer.


New Member

Very articulally (sp, boy!) and well said Chelese. I think the bottom line is the genie is out of the bottle. You couldn't be more correct abt the thousands of people who died so we could have the freedoms we take for granted. Maybe because of guns we have a lot more freedom's than most of the rest of the world. But I can't help but think of some poor shmo who is shot that may have gotten a bloody nose if a gun wasen't handy.


New Member

When you ban guns so criminals won't have them, only criminals will have guns. Period. And Tom you are very mistaken, My handguns were not made to kill people. They were made to kill game, very big and dangerous game for which they are quite capable. Their secondary use is protection for me and my family from the two and four legged predators. They are there. Lurking. Watching you... Think about that the next time you walk out into a dark rest stop at night and head for the privvy...or just stretch your legs...

BTW: For One more time we will be outta here come first light in the morning, Be down in the RGV in about a month or so...

Well, if I'm not mistaken, the topic has something to do with odometer tampering, not banning guns.

Mr. Nash: You successfully had a thread pertaining to fuel rebates "locked out." Why would you bring up that topic once again? To answer your question, fuel rebates are not taxable, as they are not income.

All the best,

Big Wally

C Nash

Senior Member

Big Wally, you are correct. Brain dead on my part (not to unusual). Won't mention it again :)