We bought this 72 Dodge motorhome recently. It is in dire need of
restoring, which we are in process of doing. Now what we don't know
is what kind of mh it is :-( All it has is "DODGE" on front & back.
No other name at all and although we've looked & looked, we can't
find the VIN# anywhere ! The guy we got it from never drove it, just
parked it for the last 8 or 9 years and has no idea where VIN# is
located. We've had several MH & trailers and we've never seen a MH
like this one. Anyone out there have any ideas ??? Please ck the pics
I have up to get an idea of what it looks like. We've since washed it and got the top layer of filth off
She's gonna be a job for sure, but she's solid for most part and will be a beauty when we finish. We just want to know what the darn thing is or any info you might be able to impart. Someone did say it had a 383 chrysler motor in it, but that's all we know and not sure of that either. Only #'s we've found so far were on the intake manifold - #2899909 (may be 2399909) and can't find any # online to match it. Oh yes, it does have a narrow window above the driving area, sort of like a "skylight"and a little "bubble" thing on top,we are told was an old antenna -) It has no driver or passenger doors, just the 1 side door. Now we've been told it MAY be a "sightseer" or an old "travco", but after looking at hundrens of rv's, nothing looks like this one -- so far I've not seen a pic of a 72 sightseer :-( Trust me we have searched eevery link we know; history,dodge,travco,museums, pics after pics, and nothing :-( The man at the Heritage-RV Museum is sending papers on dodge motorhomes, so maybe that may help. Thanks for any help or leads at all. You can see pics at treasureshack.com/dodge.html
restoring, which we are in process of doing. Now what we don't know
is what kind of mh it is :-( All it has is "DODGE" on front & back.
No other name at all and although we've looked & looked, we can't
find the VIN# anywhere ! The guy we got it from never drove it, just
parked it for the last 8 or 9 years and has no idea where VIN# is
located. We've had several MH & trailers and we've never seen a MH
like this one. Anyone out there have any ideas ??? Please ck the pics
I have up to get an idea of what it looks like. We've since washed it and got the top layer of filth off