Removing 5th wheel mount from truck bed


Junior Member
I find a lot of times I need to remove the 5th wheel mount from my truck. I don't always have someone around to help me get it off and back on. I can sort of get it off OK on my own, but this senior citizen body doesn't quite have it to get the mount back on to the truck bed.

I don't have anywhere to mount a winch. Has anyone come up with a solution to this problem?




Senior Member

Do mine the same way as you.:concern:

Do you tear yours down? I take the pivot bolt out and tear it down into two pieces.


Junior Member
Mine doesn't come apart. 4 pins hold the mount to the bed. I pull the pins and drop the mount. If the truck bed wasn't so high I could put it back on the bed myself, but even at 6'2" the bed (tailgate) is still way too high.


Good question. If you're in a situation where you have to do it by yourself, you might try using a skid to slide it up on to the truck bed, using a small come-along hooked to one of your front tie downs. I had (just sold it) an aluminum folding motorcycle ramp that would have worked great for that.


New Member
I made a light duty "crane" that fits into the hitch receiver and uses a boat trailer winch to lift and lower the 5th wheel hitch. It is just a very simple L shaped piece of 2" square tubing that fits in to an extension out of the receiver long enough to clear the tailgate and is about 4 1/2 feet tall with a 2 foot bar on top with a pulley on it and a boat winch for power. It comes apart in 3 pieces so is light enough and still strong enough to lift the hitch. Mine is welded but it could be bolted as well.


New Member
I find a lot of times I need to remove the 5th wheel mount from my truck. I don't always have someone around to help me get it off and back on. I can sort of get it off OK on my own, but this senior citizen body doesn't quite have it to get the mount back on to the truck bed.

I don't have anywhere to mount a winch. Has anyone come up with a solution to this problem?


I totally understand the struggle of removing and reinstalling the 5th wheel mount on your own, especially without any help. As someone who’s faced a similar issue, I’ve found a few solutions that might work for you.

One effective method is using a portable engine hoist or a cherry picker. These devices can be used in your garage or driveway and don’t require permanent mounting like a winch. They’re relatively affordable and can be stored when not in use.

Another option could be a hydraulic lift table. It allows you to raise and lower the mount easily and precisely, which can be particularly helpful if you’re dealing with the heavy weight of the 5th wheel hitch.

You might also want to look into lever or ratchet hoists. These tools use mechanical advantage to lift heavy items without needing a fixed installation point.

If you're interested in any of these tools, you can find more details and options if you Visit here.

Hopefully, one of these solutions works for you. Good luck, and stay safe!


New Member
I am fully aware of how difficult it may be to remove and replace the fifth wheel mount by yourself, particularly if you are doing it alone. Having gone through a similar situation myself, I have a few ideas that might help you.

Using a cherry picker or a portable engine hoist is one efficient way. Unlike winches, these devices don't need to be permanently mounted and can be utilized in your driveway or garage. They may be kept while not in use and are reasonably priced.

If any of these tools catch your eye, click here for additional information and possibilities.

I hope that at least one of these fixes works for you. Best of luck, and be careful!


New Member
Removing a 5th wheel mount can definitely be a tricky task, especially when dealing with rusted bolts or a setup that’s been in place for a long time. Using the right tools and taking your time to avoid damaging the truck bed is key. For those who enjoy exploring unique solutions for their hobbies or projects, you might want to check out pandamaster xyz for some interesting resources.

emma johny

New Member
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New Member
The RVUSA forum thread discusses methods for removing a 5th wheel mount from a truck bed. Using tools like a cherry picker or engine hoist can make the process easier, especially when working alone. For entertainment, Play Fire Kirin Online for Android offers exciting fish games, slots, and arcade options for a fun mobile gaming experience.