RV Parking Bans


New Member
Northern Virginia (Fairfax Count, Prince William County) has enacted an ordinance called the Community Parking District (CPD). It allows Home Owner Associations to circulate a petition and if they achieve 50% signing they can request and recieve a ban of parking your RV in front of your own home. The county requires RV owners to pay a high annual personal property tax and yet they will force the owners to park it miles away, or store it in a lot at an average cost of almost $2,000 annually. There is no recourse and no way to fight this action. Also there need not be any justification for the creation of the CPD. No issues are examined, no questions asked.

Has anyone else had this issue? We are forming an organization to fight these types of regulations both on a state and nationwide basis.
A class action suit is being considered. Please email me with your comments and experiences.
Greg Hotz


Senior Member
RV Parking Bans

Oh Gee Greg,

I am so sorry to hear about this, but I must say, I am NOT SURPRISED! I have lived all of my life in Montgomery County, MD (much like Fairfax Co, but on the other side of the river). They regulate you to DEATH with little or no justification or reason.

I moved to Madison, WI about a year ago...the Mid-West is WONDERFUL!!! So much friendlier and genuine! Almost NO TRAFFIC snarls to contend with....at any hour of the day! And when you do hit a minor traffic jam, people are courteous and friendly about taking turns!!

I don't think I could EVER live in the EAST Coast again! I know these comments don't really help your cause, but I wanted you to know, there is a better way to live!!!


New Member
RV Parking Bans

Thanks for the words. I grew up in Ohio and lived in Steven Point Wisc for quite a while. I know what you mean!



New Member
RV Parking Bans

I can relate. I had parked my 5th in front of my home after a trip to unload. It sat there maybe a few days whie we unloaded, cleaned, etc. Got a ticket in the mail about 30 days later saying I had failed to respond to the inital ticket which was supposedly attached to the trailer "somewhere". They fined me $250.00 for parking a "commercial" vehicle in the neighborhood. I asked them if I could ever park there in front to oad/unload and they said only if I was willing to pay that kind of fine again.


New Member
RV Parking Bans

Well an update,
Fairfax County has passed the Community Parking Distric for the Orange Hunt area (My Area)about 2 weeks ago. There were 4 people that were unrelated speaking against it at the Board meeting, and only one, the pres of the Homeowners Assoc, speaking for it. It didn't make any difference. The Fx Cty Bof Sup has never had a single vote cast against a proposed CPD application. They are never even seriously questioned.

We still have a few options that we are exploring. More later. If anyone out there is a lawyer that we can bounce some ideas off of it would help!



New Member
RV Parking Bans

Well an update,
Fairfax County has passed the Community Parking Distric for the Orange Hunt area (My Area)about 2 weeks ago. There were 4 people that were unrelated speaking against it at the Board meeting, and only one, the pres of the Homeowners Assoc, speaking for it. It didn't make any difference. The Fx Cty Bof Sup has never had a single vote cast against a proposed CPD application. They are never even seriously questioned.

We still have a few options that we are exploring. More later. If anyone out there is a lawyer that we can bounce some ideas off of it would help!
