Safety In Bad Weather


New Member
What preparations should we be making when it comes to bad weather. I'm thinking hurricanes, tornadoes, high winds, etc. It just seems to me that a RV is exactly like a mobile home, dangerous in these types of weather.


Senior Member
RE: Safety In Bad Weather

RvRover - 8/16/2008 11:08 PM What preparations should we be making when it comes to bad weather. I'm thinking hurricanes, tornadoes, high winds, etc. It just seems to me that a RV is exactly like a mobile home, dangerous in these types of weather.

Well, I always do what my local weather man says, go to a sturdy structure on the lowest floor and get out of a trailer! When we are at an RV resort or a military FamCamp we leave the trailer and go to the Block structure shower house to ride out the storm. When the RV resort or FamCamp doesn't have a block structure we spring for a solidly built concrete hotel/motel for the night. I survived a killer tornado on May 29, 1982 in southern Illinois and I'm a bit gun-shy of bad weather.