spring fever


Baseball season starts today and camping season here in Ohio is starting soon. Our camp opens on April 15th and I can't wait. We took a little trip to the camper yesterday, first time we've been there since the end of October. The lake is really high, the whole dock area is flooded but, luckily, all of the campers are far enough away from the shore. My youngest is 2 and a half and LOVES to camp, she had a fit when she found out we were not spending the night. Last night, I noticed she took out her Fischer-Price little people camp toys, set up both campers and had all of the people sitting around a campfire. I hope everyone has a great spring and happy camping.



Senior Member
Re: spring fever

Yes its that time of the year. Sounds like your youngest has the right idea. LOL

They say all of our lakes will be full or dang near this year. Still cold here in Utah with another snow storm hitting right now.