

Junior Member
repairman informs me he cannot repair or replace cooling coil on demetic fridge model ndr 1292. it is side by side unit. what are my options?

C Nash

Senior Member
Looks like a new fridge may be the answer. Might also want to try another repairman. How old is the fridge?


Senior Member
A friend of mine has his frig go out in his MH. He decided to replace it with a normal electric frig instead of paying the outlandish cost for a new RV frig. He found a top freezer frig at HH Gregs that fit the hole, slid it in, bordered it to cover the opening around the frig, wired it into the AC. About $400 later bad frig replaced. Granted it only works when on shore power or when he is running the generator...but he thinks it is great.

Grandview Trailer Sa

Senior Member
In my opinion, he will pay the price when he tries to sell that MH. IF you don't put back in what is supposed to be there, it really runs the value down. Now, if he never sells it...I don't blame him.

Grandview Trailer Sa

Senior Member
To answer the original question, it does seem that there is not an exact replacement from Dometic. Everything new is a little taller or wider than the original 1292. I have not called Dometic, but I bet they do have a cooling unit for it, or it can be found online.