We had a recall on our roofs, finally got it fixed but yet they put the new roof on top of the other roof which caused further damage, we had mold growing in our tip outs, the tip outs were not sealing together properly, so they took our park model back to Indiana and said they redid our tip outs but when we looked at it, it shows that the tips out were not redone at all, still the old wood in them, and now we have a major leak in our main tip out, they had to take up the carpet due to the mold so we agreed that it would be cheaper just to put flooring in instead of replacing the carpet, well when they took the tub out to do the flooring they put a great big crack in it, still mold showing on the coverings that go around the tip outs and cuts into our siding on the trailer that were not there before it left, we were left with a notice that this trailer was not suppose to be shipped back to our campground until it was fixed, well someone made a big mistake on sending it back before it was totally fixed. At first they agreed to have the worked repaired until this big company has taken over a few smaller trailer companies, they still make the trailers that we own and still go by the name just now it is under an umbrella now instead of being independent.