C Nash
Senior Member
Well, here we go again on the walmart overnight stay again :bleh: . Took the grandkids to Morristown Ten this past week and left late thursday night around 7. The kids needed to be at the BMX track on Friday morning. After being called cheap and trailer trash for catching a few in wally world parking lot, we decided to pull in a KOA for a few hours sleep. Pulled in at 3 am and didn't even hook up. Went to the office at 7:30 Friday morning and told the desk clerk I had pulled in at 3 am and didn't use no hook ups. Showed him my KOA card and he gave us a discount HA HA 45 dollars. Did have four teenagers and wife and took showers. Guess I'll just go back to being cheap and trailer trash. Could have stopped at flying J and showered cheaper. boondocked at the race track the rest of the week end :approve: Yep have to watch them retirement dollars. :laugh: