general advice?


New Member
We’re obviously dealing with a really small amount of space here, so we try to have practical things around the house and make as much room as possible. We just have simple decoration and furniture and try to avoid a lot of clutter. One thing I thought would benefit the forum is this handy thing we were told about by one of our RV buddies. They found and bought this collapsible bakeware. You would think it’s only one small thing, but it’s actually made life a whole lot easier… it’s easy to cook with and store and just wanted to pass the info along! :)

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: general advice?

Aw now Len you know nobody would come on a forum and serve spam :eek: :eek: :( :laugh:


Senior Member
Re: general advice?

Hawaii and spam nahhhhh Just go to a grocery store and you can buy like 10 different spams. They even carve spam like we at the beach make sand castles. They have spam festivals.
Yum Yum I'll be on the garden Island in Dec. for two weeks at Kapaa.
