2nd Meet and Greet



Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

no ,, i am ,, it comes with the stupid things i say,, but what do u expect from a wanna be beach bum .

big bilko

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Rod ,We all would like to be beach bums but lack the courage to do it. We all say stupid things some time. Like This should fit, Do you think this is legal, Will you Marry me. PS If you have a drink in your hand with no bottom does,nt the beer run out :laugh: :laugh: Keep your chin up and I will buy you a drink at the M@G> Regards BIG BILKO. :) :) :) :)


Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

thanks BB ,, but i think my drink glass does have bottom ,, but it never runs outta beer ,, but i get what u are saying ,, thanks :approve: :approve: :approve: :laugh:


Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

well ,, i am gonna head up to MR this next weekend ,, i need to get away ,, and to all ,, the stay and play thing ,, is good for the rest of the yr ,, the way i am feeling right now ,, i may jsut stay up there for a couple of weeks ,, who knows ,, what good does work do if u can't enjoy u'r off time ,, or have money to take time off ,, :( :disapprove: :disapprove: :disapprove: :disapprove:

Triple E

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Rod, I am glad your wife is doing will enough to come to the meet and greet. :cool: I can't wait to meet the lady that puts up with you. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :eek:


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Yes it is, how many days do we have left? that right only 62 from today,,,yahoo ,,,,can't wait to see everyone again and all the new faces. Patiently Waiting :laugh: :laugh:

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

And maybe cooler weather with it :approve: Know Rod dont want that :laugh:


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Nash who cares what Rod wants or like,,, he has been doing the heat dance on us long enough. The whole country is cooking. Time for some cool weather, heat index was 106 today. I need some relief for this heat. Sorry Rod the :evil: made me do it :laugh:


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Darn Nash, You found it! We were hoping our first M & G would not make it to You Tube...

As you can see, we were all in such great physical shape. After exercising, we drank Big Bilko's Foster Beer!


Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

well i guess this heat is pay back for me bitching about the cold ,, but doing a big heat dance , want it about 80 for the M&G ,, we shoud have really schedued it now ,, this is GREAT campng weather ,, don't need the heater ,, nor the a/c 102 and 1/2 is perfect ,, and yes i am camping right now ,,had to break out the comforter at night ,, lows ,, 76 ,, also had the windows all closed ,, it got down right cold ,, and i am not gonna put a smiley ,, i am not kidding about the weather ,,, need more of it ,, all the way thru december !!!!!!


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet


Sorry Rod, but we are cooking down here. It never dropped below 80 last night and therefore HOT already. I have never met anyone who liked the heat more than me but this weather is death. Even our poor birds in the yard are flying around with their beaks open. Please stop the heat dance~or slow down just a bit, and have fun camping.

Grandview Trailer Sa

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

I loved today...this morning: 63 HIGH for the day: 72

I can't believe it has cooled 30 degrees in ONE week. Heat will return....but today was GREAT!!! :laugh: :laugh:


Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

well i am back home now :( :( :disapprove: :disapprove: and it really comfortable ,, 82 right now at 11:09 ,, weekend was ok ,, cold and wet ,, rained ,, most of the weekend ,, tried some fishing late today ,, but river is to merky ,, so i sat out in the sun and tried to get warm ,, that was just before i left ,, btw ,, all next week looks like sweatshirt weather ,, upper 90's lows in the 70's ,, i did another dance this weekend ,, it was oct dance ,, and also talked to AL ,, he said no prob ,, i will have the 80's for u in Oct ,, but i did ask him if ,, maybe he could do a little better ,, like 90's ,, i'll take the 80's for the lows ,,


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Rod, we'll TRADE weather with you...82 sounds like a cold front!

90's in October is no stranger to us down here in the Deep South. We are usually in shorts at Christmas! :cool: