A post about nothing


Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

Where is the pictures, ms jackie said she wanted to see them and if you will do her kitchen?


Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

david has had both and said both are not to great of fun, God go with you,
love and prayers,

ms jackie

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

Shadow that would be better than dying from DLs Dogde diesel smoke :laugh:

Hello BroDavid


Re: A post about nothing

nope ,, we could not come up with a good adhesive that would hold but take all the bumps and jolts that an rv takes ,, so the customers decided to go with the simulated amrble floor ,,(they picked it out) and luckly it was the peel and stick stuff ,, but did get the counter tops done ,, they are due back at the shop next week and we'll get on the floor ,,, they are done for the season so we ahve time to set the florr right ,, also have a 89 class b at the shop now that we are installing custom cabinets and also wiring it to start off the house batteries (it did not have this from the factory)
I gonna post pics of the marble counter tops as soon as they get back ,, but i forgot to take before pics :disapprove:
I did let them know that the marble is gonna increase the weight of the rv ,,,,
(here we go again CCC stuff) ,, but they didn't care :cool:


Re: A post about nothing

bty brodave ,, i myself didn't do the counter ,, nor did i install them my nieghbor that does marble or a living did it all ,, but pics are on the way ... :) :)

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

Don't guess the peel and stick will add to much weight. Ms Jakie tell David not to scare me to much about the stress test. I'm a whimp when it comes to pain. Had two bouts with kedney stones in my life and the dr said that was the closest I would ever come to feeling the pain a woman has during child birth. I told him if I was a women then I sure wouldn't hurt the world population. :eek:


Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

bty Chelse, (see I've been paying attention) I sent you an E-Mail.


Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

off to sell shoes, and BTY, I had both in one day, I enjoyed the way I was treated, , I am not kidding, They had already clipped the hair off my chest while I was in the hospital and I did not mind the pads as bad.


Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

Sorry to leave while the fun is going on, msjackie said it is time for my massage and bedtime, so goodnight and God Bless All

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

got to go also. catch you'll tomorrow night. Got the email shadow :laugh:


Re: A post about nothing

i like this type of posting ,, and to all a good night...

Nash ,, typed to undecided again ,, anyway u can read the post ,, but i think that this CCC thing has got him all upset ,, i myself am not a pro on this stuff ,, i only fix waht is broken ,, but i think u were right about steering him toward the factory and info ,, if they don't know the facts about what they build ,, then were all smarter than they are :laugh:
well type at u guy's tomm. night ..
And mybe we can solve some rv problems
;) :approve: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bleh:


Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

Not sure what you mean by 'power stabilizer'. There are 3 options that I know of. 1 is the 'Autoformer', which trys to keep the power in a 'safe range', like 112v to 132v or a similar range. These are useful mostly to keep your voltage from falling to a point where the A/C compressor is endangered. Being basically a transformer, it does provide some surge protection. Then there is the 'SurgeGard', which is a surge suppressor with under and over voltage protection. Not as nice as the autoformer; it drops power in these cases rather than 'forcing' the safe range. I have always used these (both on my 30 amp trailer and my 50 amp coach) and would never hook up without one. Finally, there is a plain surge suppressor which only protects against spikes on the line. Better than nothing, if cost is a significant concern.

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: A post about nothing

Golly gee, look what I missed by not checking to see if I could get the free wifi at my trailer (I'm close to the office). It actually works although I don't even show a signal.

The Autoformer is best. Really keeps the voltage in the safe range when using the air conditioner. Used it 2 times in different parks this time out. Heck I thought it was winter. Must have lost track of a month or 2. It was 85 degrees when I got to Florida Sunday.


Re: A post about nothing

Thanks for the relpies on the auto former ,, since i don't use one i could not convey that to my customer ,, but what do u guys think of the price ,, and the pros and cons of this type of unit ,, i myself have 50 amp hook up and a power monitor ,, so myself don't really worry about the power downs and ups ,, but i hate to tell someone ,, yea go out and buy one ,, i have heard (thru the grape vine ,, not from rver's) that it works ,, not my kinda deal ,, cause if he really wants to spend the money then he'll be contacting me about ordering one for him and then installing ,,, but i don't want to install something that will come back on me ,, with a very mad customer ,, saying i recomended that now what are u gonna do about it since it don't really do as u said ,,, just my opinion ,,, :)