Gerel Thompson
New Member
2002 40 ft Tradewinds, 330 HP Cat with 6 speed Allison tranny. Has worked beautifully until Oct 2005 when the shifts between 2 - 3rd and 3rd - 4th began to be "draggy/mushy", slow and soft shifts. Had Allison shop service the tranny with oil and filter improvement. They downloaded latest software to the ECU and no improvement...then drove it for several hours in slow adapt mode when it finally started shifting normally again. Then after about 450 miles it started the "draggy/mushy" shifts again. AFter about 100 miles of this I switched it into "economy" mode and the shifts were normal for about 100 miles and then in this mode they became "draggy/mushy" also. Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, would be greatly appreciated.
2002 Tradewinds
30,000 miles
2002 Tradewinds
30,000 miles