I had a customer call us out today ,, about her class c would not start ,, anyway we cked the battery ,, it was good ,, but when my guy treid to start it ,, it was like it was in gear ,, the she told us she bought it from a buy ,, here,, pay here lot ,, and they installed one of those ,, payment shutoffs on her rv,, anyway ,, she has paid it off ,,last month ,, but the used rv place that she bought it from as since went bankrupt ,,, so i contacted Passtime(the shut down thingy) and they said they needed the used car dealer to call them with their code so that i could get her started ,, but he's gone ,, out of bussiness ,, and asked about bypassing it ,, and he told me that if i did that i could be arrested ,,, was just wondering if anyone has bypassed this system of took it out completely ... i was thinking and still am about doing this ,,, any input on this :question: :question: