Bigfoot Hunting

RV RoVer

New Member
RE: Bigfoot Hunting

Hello everyone,
I work for a company, RV Rover, Inc., located in West Point, Ga. From time to time, I will check the Internet to see what's being said, discussed, etc. about our product, so a couple of days ago, I ran across this forum and saw someone else using the same name...which I don't have a problem with at all, BUT...after reading some of the posts, I did want to be sure that no one thought this was coming from our company. We advertise legitimately in several magazines, on our website, etc. and sure don't want people thinking that we would do something unethical to get our name 'out there'. We certainly wouldn't do it discussing Big Foot! :)
Anyway, this is in no way meant to be negative towards the individual that has been posting here. I never use these forums to discuss our product, but when I googled our company name, this is something new that has just started showing up, so I guess I just wanted to 'clear' our name.
Thanks for listening and have a great day!
D Thomas


Senior Member
Re: Bigfoot Hunting

Well Doug thanks for clearing that up. I see that it is different in spelling( somewhat). So your company is from West Point GA. that good as I only live about 40 miles from West Point and I will look up your company to verify if what you say is true and I will report back my finding to my friends here on this forum. You can check my profile and see that I am from Midland GA and my daughter live in West Point , so if what you say is true I will find out. thanks again for your reply

RV RoVer

New Member
RE: Bigfoot Hunting

That's great...I really appreciate your help in clearing this up for us. Our address is actually 106 E 8th St., West Point, GA, 31833...we're located right here on the banks of the Chattahoochee, right on the AL/GA line.

Have a great day!

Doug Thomas
RV Rover, Inc.


Senior Member
Re: Bigfoot Hunting

Doug, I appreciate the clarification, but the other RVROVER was advertising a company different from the one you are advertising in your signature.

I encourage you to advertise here with, because that allows them to furnish this forum to us.

If you, as you say, "...never use these forums to discuss our product...." then advertising your company in your signature is a little disingenuous without being an advertiser.

RV RoVer

New Member
RE: Bigfoot Hunting

If you'll notice that in my first post above, I did not put our company name, phone no. or email in the signature and in neither of my posts have I even mentioned our products. I only added it to the second post so that H2H1 would have more info to verify that I am who I say I am since he was kind enough to help me straighten this out...that's all. If that was bad judgement on my part, please accept my apology.

As far as advertising here, I will certainly consider it, but please understand that I am constantly bombarded with magazines, web sites, etc. wanting us to advertise with them and it can become very expensive very quickly, so we have to be careful how we spend our advertising dollars.

Hopefully, this will clear everything up and thanks again for your understanding.

Doug Thomas

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Bigfoot Hunting

Glad to have you here Doug and thanks for clearing up the muddy waters. hope you do decide to advertise with RVUSA as it has a great and loyal following and we do recommend sponsers here. Welcome to the forum :)


Re: Bigfoot Hunting

hey Doug ,, welcome to the forums ,, and as nash said ,, we are a welcoming family ,, just don;t lead us on with a false sense ,, if u know what i mean ,, and yes please look into advertising here ,, it helps us type to u ,, and all others ,,, but if u have any knowledge of rving ,, please feel free to post what u know ,, that is what this place is about ;) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: