Buying a Dutchmen 5er for part timing
Hi OldTymer, the Dutchmen is an entry level trailer, they are low priced and built that way, having said that I can tell you that my wifes cousin owned a 93 24' Dutchmen Classic / no slide for 8 years had it in AZ. for winter season, she lived in it for 5/6 months per year and had no problems at all. She sold it here in MN. about 2 years ago and got NADA price for it, so that also says something. As for the the pit stop question, your best bet is to have the dealer / owner run the slide in and see if you can get by it to the rest of the unit. On our present Hitchhiker II we have no problems gatting to the rest of the trailer, we had a Terry side aisle, and it was a tight squeeze to get by the slide in it. Remeber liking the floor plan is more than half the story, cause you living in the house and if you don't like it nothing esle will be good either. There are lots of Dutchmen's out there so look it over real close. Good luck in the search.

:bleh: :approve: