Buying used m/home
While I'm no where near retirement, good luck with yours, I will share what I've learned:
-All new motorhomes need something fixed upon delivery
-All new motorhomes cost more than their used counterparts
-All used motorhomes, are used.
Some people just "HAVE" to have new when they buy. Also if you want some kind of odd option you may be better off ordering a new unit than trying to find it.
5ver Vs. Motorhome
-It cost more to insure a MH than 5er since the trailer is a rider on the truck policy.
-IMO, it is easier to drive a P/U with 5er than a big MH. A MH is good for traffic jams since the bathroom/kitchen are readily available.
-A MH can tow a small/midsize vehicle behind it for travel/exploration, we had a CC/DRW to pull our 5er and it was big for downtown parking garages.
-You can double tow behind a 5er in some states, make sure which ones or you could have to unhook at the state line if caught.
Don't worry about asking too many??s