Call for Class Action Lawsuit against unsafe MHs
Your class action idea is harder than you think. You can only do a class action claim against one manufacturer at a time and can't usually do it with only 5 or so people, in most states. You must instead have so many people it is impracticable for each to sue separately. Also, the claimants must all have the same exact problem. (Examples: 6000 Breast implant ruptures, or city charges everybody 5 cents too much on electric bills etc. The people suing can't have different problems or have situations where the proof of each will be different (one says the roof leaked and another says the electrical system didn't work etc.- won't work ) I'm an attorney, but don't do class actions -- but know enough about them to state the above as the general requirements. Different state have different rules. Some would make it easier for such RV claims tham others. In Louisiana it is real hard to "qualify" for a class action for example. You get thrown out by the judge because he says your claims are all a little different and involve different evidence, or different proof as to damages. The federal rules are more lax. You choices will be between the federal rules and the state rules where the defendants "home base" is. Best plan is to unit RVers on this board who have identical problems against same manufacturer. When you get enough to form a committee and then you collect $500 or so for an attorney consult ($20 each for 25 people) and go talk to an attorney who does class actions in the State and town where the manufacturer is located, and see what the Atty says. Have you people all on a typed list with names, addreses, phone, type problem , short summary of problem,estimate of cost to fix it, repair attempts they can hopefully document with paperwork (not just I called dealer 10 times --he'll deny that and YOU have the BURDEN of proof)
You go to manufacturer's state because that's where you have to sue him. You go close to his town because it costs more to have some attorney travel across US than to go across street to courthouse, and you'll pay for his airfare, etc.
Also, he will know the local judges and the local rules etc. Important to find one that really does class actions. This is a special nitch, highly technical, and he needs a whole computer staff just for class actions to even dream of doing them. Most attys don't do class actions.