Hollis ,, if u have a test light ,, ck it u'r self ,, ck for power and ground ,, the center part of the outlet is the power point and the outter is the ground ,, and u may have a ground prob ,,, instead of a power prob ,,, if u happen to touch the test light to the side of the outlet while testing the center ,, and it blows a fuse ,, never mind testing the ground ,, cause ,, YEP it got one ,, u just found out ,,, i do this sometimes to save time ,, if i ground out a 12v circuit and it pops the fuse ,, power and ground are ok .... :approve: :approve:
And Tex ,, i know what u'r going to say ,, no i don't do this on all circuits ,, just ones that have there own fuse and are not part of the electronics ,, mostly do it on the above type stuff and on trailer and MH lighting :laugh: :laugh: