Editing a post


Senior Member
I guess I'm nutty, but I don't see a way to edit a post once it is posted. I know it used to have a pencil icon when it was your post and you were logged in.

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Editing a post

TexasClodhooper, Guess I have gone nutty also :( . I have edited on the new board but now I can't find the edit icon :sleepy: :eek:

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Editing a post

Oh well, now I see it in the upper right hand coner of the last post.


Senior Member
Re: Editing a post

I see a "Quote" button, a "Reply" button (with a pencil), an "!Alert" button, but no "Edit" button.

As an old country singer once sang, "Please help me I'm ..." nutty!

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Editing a post

It's crazy Clodhopper. When you first post you can edit but once you leave and come back the edit is gone or moved out the right side.
Just went out and then back via the edit icon.

Out and back and edit is still here. It must leave after someone else posts.


Senior Member
Re: Editing a post

Yippee! I'm not nutty! I finally caught that, too.

I guess that is OK. That way no one can call someone a (insert bad name here), wait for all of the rest of us to respond about his being a (insert bad name here), and then later on edit out the (insert bad name here) remark. That would make the rest of us look pretty silly!

The way it is set up I can call someone a (insert bad name here), get it off my chest, and quickly edit out the (insert bad name here) remark. Perhaps even add a (insert good name here) comment.

I guess that's a pretty good way for this forum to function now that I see it working.