full tanks


Senior Member
Re: full tanks

Yep, know what you mean Hollis. Most the time its just the two of us, but then there is the the other times we get the daughter and two grandkids (4 & 2), then a son or two and a girlfriend and so on and on... The system gets a work out.
I don't know of any techs around here that make house calls, that would be really nice.

And lastly, 'big bilko'.. thanks for the vivid description. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Re: full tanks

What a great trip Big Bilko. I wish it was a little warmer here. I am so glad I live in Texas though. So far we have not hit a negative number yet. As for the tanks, ours are off most of the time also. But we just empty, clean, and go on. If it gets to be a problem we may have them checked. Keep us posted on your great trip. Sounds like one misfortune turned into a fortune instead. :laugh:

big bilko

Senior Member
Re: full tanks

Back home for a short spell before we head off again.Must learn how to post photo,s as we took Photo.s of the Great Ocean Road which was built by the soldiers after returning from the war to give them employement This is a awesome sight of the sheer cliffs dropping to the Ocean. The road curves around the coastline for about 150 Miles and is dotted with small towns all with heaps of character.This is a truly magnificent drive for the passengers but a stressful time for the driver with all the hairpin turns.On one side there is a sheer cliff face and the other a drop of 300 feet to the sea.The area is called the shipwreck coast because of the number of ships lost in the vicinity with a huge loss of life due to the steep cliffs not allowing rescuers acess to help. Tanks are completely empty except for the hose nozzle which went in but did not come out. It may take a while before I can convince the GLW to put her dainty arm in to grope around. Luckily I have very fat wrists. Temp today was a mild 80 and made for a pleasant drive home. Madly planning our next excursion I will try to market my new invention(Waterproof Tea bags )Or maybe sweat smelling deodrant for people who just don,t care. Hopefully we will be able to finance our next trip :clown: :laugh: :) Regards from down under Big Bilko

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: full tanks

I wouldn't count on getting your hose nozzle back until your wrists shrink. Sounds like a great trip.


Senior Member
Re: full tanks

Good luck getting wife to do it, cheaper to buy new nozzle,

God Bless and good luck,

brodavid and missjackie


Senior Member
Re: full tanks

Good luck getting wife to do it, cheaper to buy new nozzle,

God Bless and good luck,

brodavid and missjackie

big bilko

Senior Member
Re: full tanks

Still trying to get my photos into my computer so I cheated and found an American couple who have documented their trip around Victoria including the great ocean road. The link is GREAT OCEAN ROAD.and their page is headed OZDACHS. (SPENT 14 HOURS TRAVELLING.ETC) HOPE YOU CAN ACCESS THIS AS THEY HAVE CAPTURED THE BEAUTY OF THE AREA. REGARDS Big Bilko. :) :) :) :)