Hydogen Fuel Revisited

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mileage seeker

New Member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

Well for all those who got their panties all twisted in knots over subject...it sure seems to be a highly explosive subject..pun intended...Here's the deal hamdav..if you want to look at systems that do-it-yourself type folks can install at affordable prices, you can look at my profile where there is a website listed, that contains all the info you need to put together an electolyser or reformer as some call it, that is powered off the vehicles electrical sys.. this unit splits water and creates HHO, or browns gas, which does not by itself power the vehicle, but blends with the fuel/air mixture, creating a more even burn, higher compression, which tends to increase you mpg...not only that, there are other systems that are used in conjunction with the electrolyser..such as a water charging sys..simple to build and install fuel heater...some electrical devices, such as a MAP sensor (stands for Manifold Absolute Pressure). Pilots of reciprocating engine aircraft use all there guages to lean the fuel mixture(usually a red hadled knob which is next to the throttle) to the best setting to get maximum power, while best economizing the fuel...all this group of individuals, who like me, are wanting to do, is have the same control as pilots do with their aircraft, thats all...I paid $97 to have access to all on the sight, there is a sixty day guarantee if you dont find the info useful. Look, if you don't have the money, get on the puter an go google crazy, or to the library, or break open your old high school physics book and relearn how to build an electolyser..(thats where i learned). All of these systems are old technology, and are most public domain, and they tell you so. I opted for the easy way to get to the info, hardware needed, suppliers, etc..so iguess i'm a sucker like all the rest, but they are the nicest suckers i've had the pleasure to deal with. Anyone who is listed on the site provides tips, experience, ready made kits,..etc..once your in, its all there for you for as long as you wish to use it. so check it out if you want to, don't, if you dont want to. Simple as that!

thank you
WJ Shults
P.S. What LEE, Fran, and Tex can't seem to grasp... is that these systems are not meant to run the vehicle solely on hydrogen, and that the hydrogen insn't stored in high pressure tanks, but is released from the WATER, that is inside the cannister, called the eletrolyser.

If you can't smell the flowers for all the stinking, unburned gas fumes, created from crappy Detroit designed engines, then stop your whining, and do something about it!


Senior Member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

I hate to break it to you MS but you cannot fun hydrogen Electolyser on a gas automobile. If you have built one you would know this. You would also know that any car made after 1985 with computer systems cannot be converted to hydrogen without replacing the computer. Having built the system long before you did I do happen to know wha


Senior Member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

I will ask you politely to cut the rude comments and try to get along with people a lot more knowledgeable than you are on the subject. For one who wants to learn about it you are sure going about it the wrong way. As far as I am concerned and I have said this over and over again in half a dozen rv forums your website is nothing more than a scam. If it were not and if it worked as great as you claimed it would be sold all over the US in businesses that deal in automotive parts. But since it is only sold on the net that too says a lot. And you are not the only one there are three other scammers. I have also sent emails and letters to the BBB and FTC about them and asked why they are allowed to continue to run.

mileage seeker

New Member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

Who is it? Lee or Fran that is the supposed auto genius? Too bad your fellings get hurt so easily. But it is you who don't know diddly about what you speak..again I have put together and am using the electrolyser, the fuel heater, sheilding the the O2 sensor, and a couple of other little tricks.. with pretty good results avg 23% gain..plan on installing the MAP sensor soon and will keep others, if any, posted to what gains . The OBD-II (Detroit ..post 1996, OBD-I ...pre 1996) is easily fooled into thinking the engine is running to rich. and will lean dowwn the mixture..which of course means better fuel economy...let me know what the BBB and FTC say about it, I'd really like to know how i'm getting scammed, especially while i'm saving at the pumps. LeeFran..tell me what OBD stands for (I gave you a clue) and how the O2 sensor works, and i might give a little more benefit of the doubt as to who you and all your supposed paper claim that you are...In the the mean time, happy gas pumping, keeping that Rambler mobile..

WJ Shults


Senior Member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

I think he's getting better. Some of his early posts were pretty nasty, but the later ones aren't too bad. Basically, I'd say arguing with anyone is a waste of time and electrons. If you don't see any benefit in his posts, don't read them. If he really torques you off, put him on ignore. If you have any contrary data (facts, not opinions), respectfully present it. Trading snide comments doesn't benefit anyone...

mileage seeker

New Member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

Just wanted to share some interesting stuff on www.youtube.com
type "Denny Klein" in the search bar and check out all the short videos related to Hydrogen on Demand...
LeeFran- maybe you could get Fox News to come out and interview you...you could debunk Mr. Klein's inventions, show Fox News all the paper you've accumulated on your wall, (to back up your expert opinions). Maybe then you could speak directly to Mr. Klein and tell him that all his accomplishments are just not possible...in your expert opinion of course...let know when Fox gets you on so I can watch!

Best Regards
WJ Shults


Senior Member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

Wonder what he is saying to himself since we all have him on ignore. I bet he is lonely and probably hasn't sold us anything.

Grandview Trailer Sa

Senior Member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

He has not sold me anything. If this were for real, it would be everywhere. He just does not realize he is not in the right place to sell his c--p. We deal with real world items and he is trying to SELL in an ADVISE forum. I tried being nice, but getting really tired of this.
Again, in times like this all the spammers, scammers, liars come out of the woodwork. I for one am not falling for it. By the way, what he says, I don't see it. He is ignored.

mileage seeker

New Member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

I guess I made a mistake...I thought this thread was about Hydrogen on demand...Oh wait! It is. Quick question though..if you have me on ignore, why is it your posting here again.

Cindy Hendricks

Staff member
Re: Hydogen Fuel Revisited

Hello All,

This thread is done.
Mileage Seeker, I've gone through this entire thread and your acting like you paid the $97 for the two eBooks listed on the website in your profile - that you keep pushing, which turns out to be YOUR website.
This is an RV Related forum and it specifically says when you sign up that we don't allow advertising here. Yet you continue to push YOUR website and then act like it's not your website... that it's a product you bought as a consumer.
That leads me to question your integrity.
If you want to advertise your product on RVUSA.com give me a call or send me an email and I'll get you the information to do so.
Any future posts promoting YOUR website will be removed and I will ban you from the forum.

Cindy @ RVUSA.com :)
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