internet and RVing
I would assume that by saying "server," what you really mean is an ISP?(Internet Service Privider) If that is what you mean, then the only time that I have seen an RV park provide such service is when they have a computer that is on-line for the customers to use. And that is not at all common. Most RV parks do have a phone line that you can use if you have either a toll free or a local number for your own ISP. Also, unless you happen to be a member of some club that has a mail box service, you will need one from an ISP. If friends are to send you email, they must have somewhere to send it.
There are several RV clubs that will provide an email box as do some other locations. Some of us have our own web domains and that too can provide an email box, but someone has to do so.
WyFi, or wireless internet is becoming more common in RV parks, most Flying J truck stops have it now and KOA says that they will all have it by the end of next year. But those services are seldom free, and you still need an email box for your mail to collect in. Cable internet is not very practical for use in an RV as the RV has to be where your cable connection is. I have never run into it as a service in an RV park, although there could be a few parks with it. Cell phones can be used but they are slow and not always available. For email some users do find it satisfactory.
We are presently in process of getting our own dish for internet access. They are now available in both roof mount and portable tripod mounts. Roof mount systems run about $4500 and the tripod type is about $2000. Either one costs $60 per month. While that is the best choice, it is also the most expensive.