looking for rv

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: looking for rv

Well, Terry at least knows if he gets a gasser he can use Ethel for more power. Shoot Terry put the racing fuel in and you'll be passing the diesels. Might even get around DL in his Dogde :eek: :eek: :laugh:


Senior Member
Re: looking for rv

Nash that will only happen if he has IT shut off, other wise the black smoke will keep him behind as he want be able to see how to pass. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: JKU DL . GUESS U ARE ABOUT THE HIT THE ROAD AGAIN


Senior Member
Re: looking for rv

of course, that the only thing that will keep anyone behind him :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: IS THE BIG BLACK SMOKE :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: