Low lifes that wash their sewer hose at water con.
:evil: Devils advocate, here. Zigzagrv is right about other things we don't think about. I was in the Corps ('68/9) in Viet Nam. We used to "burn the sh*tters", then go eat, drink, or whatever. Think about all of the countries that have no clean drinking water, and yet somehow we all seem to survive. As a country, Americans are getting "way to clean". Anti-b's for every sore throat, anti-b hand cleaner (that isn't effective, btw). Anti-b's don't even work on virus's, yet we insist that the Dr. give us some for a cold anyway. My point?... the cleaner we get, the less prepared our immune system is going to be, to fight off the harmful stuff, on it's own. I know this will start a HUGH argument, and I by no means condon using the drinking faucet to clean your sh*t hose. I would probably get in a lot of trouble if I saw someone pull that stunt! BUT, sometimes you just have to get a life. Trugged the filty rice paddies w/ human, and animal excrament, and I'm still here. AND, think of all the times you guys DID use the contaminated faucet, and you're still here! Semper Fi, and happy motoring!