I am letting you all know the price of the cnc are now $1950.00 plus shipping and handling.The cnc machine comes with every thing except computer software and dremell.And the softwere can be downloaded from www.artofcnc.com for $159.00.Thank you
Yes there is, however that's not to say that the price for the off the shelf one is higher then it should be. I just posted the BIY link for those who like me are cheap :laugh: and like to tinker also the ready made one has a nice cabinet, however you could make that as well. I think I'd look around for an old chain printer sound enclosure would probably work pretyy good.
I just ordered plans for three CNC router tables from EBAY. Comes with 90 pages of step by step plus cad drawings and photos. Everything is available at the local LOWES_HOME DEPOT_ACE_MENARDS except the steppers and drives which cost about $345 from a DIY company(www.xylotex.com). Comes in a package price with customer support available if you need help, plus you still need the cad program from www.artofcnc.com for $159 .table can be built for about $250 . Total a whole lot cheaper than the $1900 above , with a bigger work area of 25 X 37 inches. LEE