Monthly Rates Nearby Yellowstone Nat'l Park



Re: Monthly Rates Nearby Yellowstone Nat'l Park

sorry DL ,, didn't read the post all the way thru ,, just seen ran outta diesel ,,, pm tex ,, he canhave a tanker down there in no time ,, and he'll put it on u'r rvusa account ,,, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :evil: :clown:


Senior Member
Re: Monthly Rates Nearby Yellowstone Nat'l Park

Good grief, you could always turn due south. Mex has got diesel at 2.00 a gal. Be sure to buy some of them red cans to fill while yer there too. LOL


Senior Member
Re: Monthly Rates Nearby Yellowstone Nat'l Park

I've got 10,000 gal left, but the price has gone up. Must have $3.13 now and by the way...only put diesel in yellow tanks, red is for gasoline. FYI....for a fee, delivery of fuel is available but must has 4000 ft lighted runway available.