Needed fall break
Hello Gary --- the birthday visit with the grandson sounds great; we have 11 grandkids, would have had them first had there been a way. Too bad you folks got nailed with an early winter --- looked grim in some places on the Weather Channel. We're having our best Fall in a long time here in So. Central Texas --- fantastic weather; usually Fall is the first Saturday afternoon in November from noon until 6:00PM. Goes from 90+ to 40 overnight.
Home is New Braunfels, Texas; pretty popular "Winter Texan" destination. We full time --- saw them "Snowbirds" having so much fun we decided to join them first of this year when we hung it up and retired. We're home for part of deer season, Christmas with the grandkids (and their parents), then maybe to the coast in late Dec. or early Feb. --- it's a bit warmer there -- then who knows in the Spring. Thinking about Hwy 101 and the big trees in California maybe.
Y'all try to stay warm until Dec., and have a safe trip south. Say "howdy" if you pass this way.
Wes C.