Question for those who remember the classics



RE: Question for those who remember the classics

Kali_Mist - 9/26/2007 6:28 PM

hear is one for ya
I missed something in the post?????? :question: :question:


Senior Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

Yeah, that's wierd! It's similar to waking up in your chair while watching a NASCAR race. What happened while I dozed off? :eek:


Re: Question for those who remember the classics

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Tex that was funny ,,, but still wondering about the post was it to clean for us old men to see or to dirty for again ,,us old men to see :laugh:
I know what happened ,, Kali was typing and had a oldtimers moment ,, and just hit enter ,,, yea that's gotta be it ;) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Re: Question for those who remember the classics

Still waiting for Kali's reply ,, but damn the cobwebs are getting thick ,, sorry just browsing old post in this winter bordem state,, so i thought i'd post :laugh: :laugh: :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:


New Member
RE: Question for those who remember the classics

I just got a 1972 dodge 24' camper van. It has a recirculating toilet with it's own tank however it also has a gray water tank under the van. I love my old classic. 70,000 original miles. :)


New Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

After reading about everyone's new rig that they consider old, here is one of mine, I have (3) a 67 Aristocrat cab over camper, 69 Aristocrat Lo-Liner and this 71 Aristocrat Land commander. Bought the truck camper and Land Commander brand new, the Lo-Liner I bought a couple of years ago and still needs TLC.


Well there's supposed to be a picture there. What did I do wrong?


Senior Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

Browzin, if you use the "Preview" editor button, there is a button in that editor for a picture link called "Insert/edit image". After you click on that, paste in the direct link to your picture. The "http://" part is all you need there (nothing like "").

Also, limit the size of the picture there. Nothing more than 300 pixels wide. That helps to maintain the post sizes and keeps us from having to scroll side to side.


New Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

TexasClodhopper - 4/25/2008 8:33 PM

Browzin, if you use the "Preview" editor button, there is a button in that editor for a picture link called "Insert/edit image". After you click on that, paste in the direct link to your picture. The "http://" part is all you need there (nothing like "").

Also, limit the size of the picture there. Nothing more than 300 pixels wide. That helps to maintain the post sizes and keeps us from having to scroll side to side.[/QUOTE]

Ok I know father time is catching up with me and the old eyes don't function as well as they should any more. I clicked on the preview button but didn't find, (a button in that editor for a picture link called "Insert/edit image".)

Now what am I doing wrong?


Senior Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

It looks like a picture of a tree. If you 'hover' over it, you will get the name. I guess I should have called it an "icon."


New Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics


Not every one is as well educated with computers as you are :)

Now don't let that go to your head. :eek:



Senior Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

Well, I do have the reverse impressions of the 'home keys' on the ends of my fingertips ... :clown:

But, really, go into the 'feedback / talkback' section of the forum and just practice putting pictures there. You can delete them if you do it within 30 minutes.

That way when it comes time to make your point with a pictue, you already know how! :)

It's best to keep them to about 400 pixels wide, but there's a place on the edit page to do that, too. Easy!


New Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

TexasClodhopper - 4/26/2008 7:32 PM

It looks like a picture of a tree. If you 'hover' over it, you will get the name. I guess I should have called it an "icon."

Ok I clicked on the "Preview" button, but I don't see any ICON that looks like a picture of a tree or any thing else. All I get is screen very similar to this one that you post reply in with a view of what your post will look like when posted above it.

I know I must be overlooking something!



Senior Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

On that 'Preview' screen you will see a button in the LOWER LEFT. It says 'Use Rich Text Editor'. Punch it! :)


New Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

Ok now clicking on "Rich Text Editor" brings up a tottally different screen menu. I new it had to be some form of simple operator error. "Thank you TexasClodhopper" .  Now to see if I can get this to work. Ok first try failed, try this again.



Ok not the best picture, but at least I know how to get them on here now. Thank You again TexasClodhopper. Now I will dig up some better pictures of these units and post them.


Senior Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

Oh no! I've created a monster! :clown:

Well, ya did it yerself. Be proud and multiply! :approve:

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

Browzin, our first RV was a 69 Aristocrat 8 foot cab over camper. We bought it from my Dad in 1971. No potty in it. Had to use a wobbly collapsible port-a-potty with a plastic bag to catch the dodo in the middle of the night. Really bad if we had a campfire party that night. :eek:


New Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

DL Rupper
"Aristocrat" built some excellent campers & travel trailers especially when you consider that they were built in an old Chicken processing plant in Calif.
The original owner/designer passed away recently, he had sold the company long before they ceased being built.
We have a 67 cab over camper that we bought new in 67 as well as the 71 Land Commander travel trailer that I posted the picture of. Presently working on restoring a Lo-liner that we purchased a couple of years ago in fair to good condition. Going to have to find some time to take some pictures and post them for those that enjoy the good-oldies.

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

Hey Browzin, there's a person on the towing forum looking for help restoring a 73 Aristocrat. Maybe you can help him.


New Member
Re: Question for those who remember the classics

Speaking of Classics There is a oldie in my neighbor's yard. A 1977 American Clipper.